We ship all of our products world-wide. The price of shipping depends on the area chosen and the size and weight of the package. Matildaknows offers delivering the package, using registered Lithuanian Regular Post service.
Registered Lithuanian Regular Post service delivers the package in EU within 14-25 working days following the email confirmation that your order was dispatched, unless it’s a hectic festive period that can increase delivery period significantly regardless of our quick dispatch efforts. In Lithuania delivery time - 2-3 working days. Usually it take us 1-2 working days to proceed the order, unless the customer has been noted differently immediately after the order has been placed. Registered Regular Post price range differs from 7 EUR to 40 EUR / order, depending on the size and weight of the package and destination chosen.
Shipping fees are not included into the price and will be added to your order during the check-out process before the purchase.